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Star-Lord One Above All Marvel Rivals Guide
This movement monster is the best when it comes to movement + deadly one clips.
Insane Mobility
Extremely High Burst Damage
Close Range

Star - Lord
Synergies and Counters

Aim Reliant
Mentality as a DPS
In this section I want to talk about the Mindset and Mentality you need to have as a DPS.
Your most important goal as a DPS is: Deal Damage. I know, I know, you heard it a thousand times. But I really mean it. Your Goal should be "How can I deal the most amount of Damage in the shortest time" (except if you are playing flankers like Black Panther).
If you deal the most amount of Damage you could possibly do, you gain these benefits:
Charge your ult faster
Pressure their Healers a ton
Give your own Team more breathing room, because their team will be more cautious and will have less space
Always ask yourself after every Death, what you could have done differently. Its easier to blame the team, but you won't get better like that.
Summary: Deal Damage
Star - Lord
Synergies and Counters

Aim Reliant
Mentality as a DPS
In this section I want to talk about the Mindset and Mentality you need to have as a DPS.
Your most important goal as a DPS is: Deal Damage. I know, I know, you heard it a thousand times. But I really mean it. Your Goal should be "How can I deal the most amount of Damage in the shortest time" (except if you are playing flankers like Black Panther).
If you deal the most amount of Damage you could possibly do, you gain these benefits:
Charge your ult faster
Pressure their Healers a ton
Give your own Team more breathing room, because their team will be more cautious and will have less space
Always ask yourself after every Death, what you could have done differently. Its easier to blame the team, but you won't get better like that.
Summary: Deal Damage
Star - Lord
Synergies and Counters

Aim Reliant
Mentality as a DPS
In this section I want to talk about the Mindset and Mentality you need to have as a DPS.
Your most important goal as a DPS is: Deal Damage. I know, I know, you heard it a thousand times. But I really mean it. Your Goal should be "How can I deal the most amount of Damage in the shortest time" (except if you are playing flankers like Black Panther).
If you deal the most amount of Damage you could possibly do, you gain these benefits:
Charge your ult faster
Pressure their Healers a ton
Give your own Team more breathing room, because their team will be more cautious and will have less space
Always ask yourself after every Death, what you could have done differently. Its easier to blame the team, but you won't get better like that.
Summary: Deal Damage

Element Guns
Damage: 260 - 520 damage per clip
Firerate: 1 clip per second
Ammo: 40
Falloff: begins at 10m, decreasing to 60% at 25m
Starlords normal LMB damage is insane. It deals 520 damage per clip if you hit headshots.
Use your RMB as often as possible, to reduce the reload time. Don't waste your RMB if you have full ammo -> EXCEPT! if you would die.
If you face a tank you can use the Lmb -> Rmb -> Lmb -> Rmb -> Lmb combo on a tank thats mispositioned, this will result in 780 - 1560 damage in 3 seconds!
You can fly freely in Shift (directional keys + ctrl and space)
Use your RMB while ulting to increase your dps and to dodge enemy dps (DON'T GREED FOR KILLS!)
Damage numbers wise, e is worth it on 3+ targets otherwise use your LMB -> EXCEPT!
If you need to be harder to hit
The enemy is hard to track (black panther, starlord etc)
Its always harder to shoot enemies that are above your head, so try to fly above them with your shift and e, this way they wont have such an easy time tracking you
Tank Buster - Damage = 780 (min.) - 1560 (max.)

This combo is called the Tank Buster because its easier to track and headshot tanks, usually you wont be able to output this type of damage on a squishy target, even tho you only need 1 clip for a squishy target u will find yourself in a lot of positions where you need 2-3 clips.
Unless you kill that target, it would be a lot better to just farm ult charge off of the Tanks.
Full Rotation in a Teamfight - Damage = 1280 (min. + 1 target) - 3520 (max. + 6 targets)

This combo is the ideal rotation you have in a teamfight, you wont be able to get the max damage output and its basically a "dream scenario"
There are 2 playstyles for Starlord, i will explain both of them in detail in this section and add my recommendation in which elo bracket to use which playstyle.
Playstyle ( The Ult farmer )
Less Aim Reliant
Rotational Gameplay
Less Duels (Good if you face hardcounters)
Less Lethal Damage = Feeds Support ults
Worse on Open Maps
Cooldown Reliant
This playstyle is called "The Ult Farmer" because it does what it describes. You play around your Shift and E. You Fly in -> Shift - > E -> Fly out. The important part: to make this strategy work, you have to hit more than 2 targets everytime.
Your Shift ability, is a freefly which means you can use space, control + directional keys. This means that you want to change your input to be harder to hit while you are farming your ult. The higher you go in the ranks, the more you have to use the cover.
For Example: The Enemy team is pushing through a tight doorframe, you are hovering above it and dip in and out with your Shift and E.
Note: If you notice that you are going to die, cancel your e with your dodge. Dying is not worth it!
Example Gameplay
Recommended Elo: Low Elo
Reasoning: If you are in Low Elo that means probably that your positioning, engages and aim are too bad to play the Assassin Playstyle. Thats why i would recommend you to play "The Ult Farmer" playstyle and to get as man ults out as possible, especially in low elo where enemy supports dont use their ults as good, or stack them
Playstyle ( The Assassin )
One Clips left, right, center
Heavy Burst Damage
Doesn't Feed Support ults as much
Heavily Aim Reliant
Mistakes can be fatal
Charges Ult much slower
The Assassin is pretty much the opposite. Less AoE (area of effect) damage but insane single target burst. There is one heavy drawback to this playstyle tho: You need to be a good aimer. This build punishes every mispositioned enemy, you can deal up to 1500+ damage in 3 seconds. Be careful tho, you will be vulnerable since you will use all of your dodges.
The big burst combo goes like this: LMB -> RMB -> LMB -> RMB -> LMB.
This playstyle requires: Positioning, Aim, Tracking where enemies are, Target priority
Recommended Elo: Celestial+
Reasoning: If you are Celestial+ you know most of the advanced stuff and you are good at aiming. Target priority on this build is extremely important!

Element Guns
Damage: 260 - 520 damage per clip
Firerate: 1 clip per second
Ammo: 40
Falloff: begins at 10m, decreasing to 60% at 25m
Starlords normal LMB damage is insane. It deals 520 damage per clip if you hit headshots.
Use your RMB as often as possible, to reduce the reload time. Don't waste your RMB if you have full ammo -> EXCEPT! if you would die.
If you face a tank you can use the Lmb -> Rmb -> Lmb -> Rmb -> Lmb combo on a tank thats mispositioned, this will result in 780 - 1560 damage in 3 seconds!
You can fly freely in Shift (directional keys + ctrl and space)
Use your RMB while ulting to increase your dps and to dodge enemy dps (DON'T GREED FOR KILLS!)
Damage numbers wise, e is worth it on 3+ targets otherwise use your LMB -> EXCEPT!
If you need to be harder to hit
The enemy is hard to track (black panther, starlord etc)
Its always harder to shoot enemies that are above your head, so try to fly above them with your shift and e, this way they wont have such an easy time tracking you
Tank Buster - Damage = 780 (min.) - 1560 (max.)

This combo is called the Tank Buster because its easier to track and headshot tanks, usually you wont be able to output this type of damage on a squishy target, even tho you only need 1 clip for a squishy target u will find yourself in a lot of positions where you need 2-3 clips.
Unless you kill that target, it would be a lot better to just farm ult charge off of the Tanks.
Full Rotation in a Teamfight - Damage = 1280 (min. + 1 target) - 3520 (max. + 6 targets)

This combo is the ideal rotation you have in a teamfight, you wont be able to get the max damage output and its basically a "dream scenario"
There are 2 playstyles for Starlord, i will explain both of them in detail in this section and add my recommendation in which elo bracket to use which playstyle.
Playstyle ( The Ult farmer )
Less Aim Reliant
Rotational Gameplay
Less Duels (Good if you face hardcounters)
Less Lethal Damage = Feeds Support ults
Worse on Open Maps
Cooldown Reliant
This playstyle is called "The Ult Farmer" because it does what it describes. You play around your Shift and E. You Fly in -> Shift - > E -> Fly out. The important part: to make this strategy work, you have to hit more than 2 targets everytime.
Your Shift ability, is a freefly which means you can use space, control + directional keys. This means that you want to change your input to be harder to hit while you are farming your ult. The higher you go in the ranks, the more you have to use the cover.
For Example: The Enemy team is pushing through a tight doorframe, you are hovering above it and dip in and out with your Shift and E.
Note: If you notice that you are going to die, cancel your e with your dodge. Dying is not worth it!
Example Gameplay
Recommended Elo: Low Elo
Reasoning: If you are in Low Elo that means probably that your positioning, engages and aim are too bad to play the Assassin Playstyle. Thats why i would recommend you to play "The Ult Farmer" playstyle and to get as man ults out as possible, especially in low elo where enemy supports dont use their ults as good, or stack them
Playstyle ( The Assassin )
One Clips left, right, center
Heavy Burst Damage
Doesn't Feed Support ults as much
Heavily Aim Reliant
Mistakes can be fatal
Charges Ult much slower
The Assassin is pretty much the opposite. Less AoE (area of effect) damage but insane single target burst. There is one heavy drawback to this playstyle tho: You need to be a good aimer. This build punishes every mispositioned enemy, you can deal up to 1500+ damage in 3 seconds. Be careful tho, you will be vulnerable since you will use all of your dodges.
The big burst combo goes like this: LMB -> RMB -> LMB -> RMB -> LMB.
This playstyle requires: Positioning, Aim, Tracking where enemies are, Target priority
Recommended Elo: Celestial+
Reasoning: If you are Celestial+ you know most of the advanced stuff and you are good at aiming. Target priority on this build is extremely important!

Element Guns
Damage: 260 - 520 damage per clip
Firerate: 1 clip per second
Ammo: 40
Falloff: begins at 10m, decreasing to 60% at 25m
Starlords normal LMB damage is insane. It deals 520 damage per clip if you hit headshots.
Use your RMB as often as possible, to reduce the reload time. Don't waste your RMB if you have full ammo -> EXCEPT! if you would die.
If you face a tank you can use the Lmb -> Rmb -> Lmb -> Rmb -> Lmb combo on a tank thats mispositioned, this will result in 780 - 1560 damage in 3 seconds!
You can fly freely in Shift (directional keys + ctrl and space)
Use your RMB while ulting to increase your dps and to dodge enemy dps (DON'T GREED FOR KILLS!)
Damage numbers wise, e is worth it on 3+ targets otherwise use your LMB -> EXCEPT!
If you need to be harder to hit
The enemy is hard to track (black panther, starlord etc)
Its always harder to shoot enemies that are above your head, so try to fly above them with your shift and e, this way they wont have such an easy time tracking you
Tank Buster - Damage = 780 (min.) - 1560 (max.)

This combo is called the Tank Buster because its easier to track and headshot tanks, usually you wont be able to output this type of damage on a squishy target, even tho you only need 1 clip for a squishy target u will find yourself in a lot of positions where you need 2-3 clips.
Unless you kill that target, it would be a lot better to just farm ult charge off of the Tanks.
Full Rotation in a Teamfight - Damage = 1280 (min. + 1 target) - 3520 (max. + 6 targets)

This combo is the ideal rotation you have in a teamfight, you wont be able to get the max damage output and its basically a "dream scenario"
There are 2 playstyles for Starlord, i will explain both of them in detail in this section and add my recommendation in which elo bracket to use which playstyle.
Playstyle ( The Ult farmer )
Less Aim Reliant
Rotational Gameplay
Less Duels (Good if you face hardcounters)
Less Lethal Damage = Feeds Support ults
Worse on Open Maps
Cooldown Reliant
This playstyle is called "The Ult Farmer" because it does what it describes. You play around your Shift and E. You Fly in -> Shift - > E -> Fly out. The important part: to make this strategy work, you have to hit more than 2 targets everytime.
Your Shift ability, is a freefly which means you can use space, control + directional keys. This means that you want to change your input to be harder to hit while you are farming your ult. The higher you go in the ranks, the more you have to use the cover.
For Example: The Enemy team is pushing through a tight doorframe, you are hovering above it and dip in and out with your Shift and E.
Note: If you notice that you are going to die, cancel your e with your dodge. Dying is not worth it!
Example Gameplay
Recommended Elo: Low Elo
Reasoning: If you are in Low Elo that means probably that your positioning, engages and aim are too bad to play the Assassin Playstyle. Thats why i would recommend you to play "The Ult Farmer" playstyle and to get as man ults out as possible, especially in low elo where enemy supports dont use their ults as good, or stack them
Playstyle ( The Assassin )
One Clips left, right, center
Heavy Burst Damage
Doesn't Feed Support ults as much
Heavily Aim Reliant
Mistakes can be fatal
Charges Ult much slower
The Assassin is pretty much the opposite. Less AoE (area of effect) damage but insane single target burst. There is one heavy drawback to this playstyle tho: You need to be a good aimer. This build punishes every mispositioned enemy, you can deal up to 1500+ damage in 3 seconds. Be careful tho, you will be vulnerable since you will use all of your dodges.
The big burst combo goes like this: LMB -> RMB -> LMB -> RMB -> LMB.
This playstyle requires: Positioning, Aim, Tracking where enemies are, Target priority
Recommended Elo: Celestial+
Reasoning: If you are Celestial+ you know most of the advanced stuff and you are good at aiming. Target priority on this build is extremely important!
Marvel Rivals Blog
Professional Tips and longer reads

Map-Specific Meta Trends in Marvel Rivals
Master map-specific strategies in Marvel Rivals to enhance team compositions and gameplay tactics for victory.

Psychological Warfare in High-Rank Matches
Master the art of psychological tactics in competitive matches to outsmart opponents and elevate your gameplay in high-level scenarios.

Target Prioritization in 1v1 vs. Team Fights
Mastering target prioritization in duels and team fights can significantly enhance your gameplay and improve your chances of victory.

How Hero Nerfs Shift Marvel Rivals Meta
The latest patch in the game has reshaped team dynamics, shifting away from healing strategies to emphasize aggressive playstyles and new hero synergies.

Best Team Comps for Domination Mode Objectives
Explore essential team compositions for Domination Mode, maximizing strengths and strategies to control objectives and outmaneuver opponents.

Top 5 Multi-Hero Combos for Ranked Play
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Marvel Rivals Blog
Professional Tips and longer reads

Map-Specific Meta Trends in Marvel Rivals
Master map-specific strategies in Marvel Rivals to enhance team compositions and gameplay tactics for victory.

Psychological Warfare in High-Rank Matches
Master the art of psychological tactics in competitive matches to outsmart opponents and elevate your gameplay in high-level scenarios.

Target Prioritization in 1v1 vs. Team Fights
Mastering target prioritization in duels and team fights can significantly enhance your gameplay and improve your chances of victory.

How Hero Nerfs Shift Marvel Rivals Meta
The latest patch in the game has reshaped team dynamics, shifting away from healing strategies to emphasize aggressive playstyles and new hero synergies.

Best Team Comps for Domination Mode Objectives
Explore essential team compositions for Domination Mode, maximizing strengths and strategies to control objectives and outmaneuver opponents.

Top 5 Multi-Hero Combos for Ranked Play
Explore the top 5 hero combos that enhance synergy and performance in ranked play, tailored for various tactics and skill levels.
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Marvel Rivals Blog
Professional Tips and longer reads

Map-Specific Meta Trends in Marvel Rivals
Master map-specific strategies in Marvel Rivals to enhance team compositions and gameplay tactics for victory.

Psychological Warfare in High-Rank Matches
Master the art of psychological tactics in competitive matches to outsmart opponents and elevate your gameplay in high-level scenarios.

Target Prioritization in 1v1 vs. Team Fights
Mastering target prioritization in duels and team fights can significantly enhance your gameplay and improve your chances of victory.

How Hero Nerfs Shift Marvel Rivals Meta
The latest patch in the game has reshaped team dynamics, shifting away from healing strategies to emphasize aggressive playstyles and new hero synergies.

Best Team Comps for Domination Mode Objectives
Explore essential team compositions for Domination Mode, maximizing strengths and strategies to control objectives and outmaneuver opponents.

Top 5 Multi-Hero Combos for Ranked Play
Explore the top 5 hero combos that enhance synergy and performance in ranked play, tailored for various tactics and skill levels.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Everything you need to know.
Everything you need to know.
Is Starlord good in Marvel Rivals?
Wolverine is the best tank killer in marvel rivals currently.
Is Starlord good in Marvel Rivals?
Wolverine is the best tank killer in marvel rivals currently.
Is Starlord good in Marvel Rivals?
Wolverine is the best tank killer in marvel rivals currently.
Who counters StarLord?
Hela, Hela, Hela and Hela.
Everyone else you can outplay. But Hela makes me rip out my hair.
Who counters StarLord?
Hela, Hela, Hela and Hela.
Everyone else you can outplay. But Hela makes me rip out my hair.
Who counters StarLord?
Hela, Hela, Hela and Hela.
Everyone else you can outplay. But Hela makes me rip out my hair.
What are the best synergies for StarLord?
Mantis is really good, Adam Warlock due to the teamup. Storm for the dmg boost.
What are the best synergies for StarLord?
Mantis is really good, Adam Warlock due to the teamup. Storm for the dmg boost.
What are the best synergies for StarLord?
Mantis is really good, Adam Warlock due to the teamup. Storm for the dmg boost.